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Medical Billing Services

At 686 Data Solutions, our mission is to provide comprehensive assistance to your practice to collect all of the insurance money owed to your office. We address your medical billing issues with a fully developed approach, inserting our professional medical billing specialists in each step of the insurance claims process. Accounts that are over ninety (90) days past due are a thing of the past, as we work to quickly and efficiently process all claims, securing compensation for you as soon as possible.


Credentialing Service

Whether you are just entering your field, starting a new practice, or adding a new provider, credentialing is an essential part of the medical billing process. Bill all the clean claims your heart desires, but if you’re not contracted with the insurance, you stand the risk of not being paid. Let us help ensure your clean claims are paid before seeing patients.

Notable Medical Billing Services from 686 Data Solutions Medical Billing
EOBs Posted Daily

Our physicians billing services include posting all insurance payments and insurance contract adjustments to patient ledgers no more than 24 hours following the EOBs being scanned in to the system. Additionally, our team of medical billing specialists emails your staff daily in order to maintain the accuracy of the work on both ends. Olympus Medical Billing recommends depositing checks the next day when possible, in order to further guarantee that our daily deposits are reflective of what is posted daily.

Appealing Denied Claims

Our medical billing company is different, primarily because we quickly and efficiently file and appeal all outstanding claims. If a claim is denied, we will address the cause of the problem immediately. This means that all claims are resolved in a timely manner, allowing you to collect the compensation that you deserve without having to wait.

Verify Procedures Unattached to Insurance

Most procedures unattached to insurance are overlooked and ignored, meaning that they can go weeks without being remedied. Our medical billing services address these oversights as they surface, taking care of them as soon as possible.

Daily Submissions of Primary and Secondary Claims

Our medical billers electronically disperse primary and secondary claims daily through your current system. However, if your business doesn’t currently have an electronic system in place, our experts will establish one free of charge. When requested, our medical billing service also covers pre-authorizations.

Additionally, using 686 Data Solutions Medical Billing circumvents the common clerical errors that can occur up to four times a week in some medical practices. This leads to the denial of claims for trivial reasons, making the process complicated and longer than it should be. Avoid these problems forever with the use of our healthcare billing expertise.

Use of Electronic Attachments When Available

When available, our medical billing specialists include all electronic attachments to claims. If your practice doesn’t currently use electronic attachments, our medical billing specialists will set one up for use with electronic claims at no additional charge.

Should an insurance company not accept electronic attachments, we will process paper attachments in their place through the mail. We simply require that you reimburse the price of stamps in these instances.

We Gather All Missing Information

A common issue encountered by almost all medical practices is the dilemma of missing patient information. Unfortunately, this is often experienced up to three times a week by many medical offices, resulting in the denial of claims should this go unresolved for thirty (30) days.

686 Data Solutions Medical Billing guarantees the prevention of this problem, as our specialists will contact patients to obtain the relevant information needed to complete the file. We report our success through this medical billing service to you through our email reports, allowing you to track our various pathways of success to securing compensation for you for your healthcare billing impasses.

Successful Use of Proven Narratives

When it comes to denied claims, our medical billers implement proven narratives that have been successful in the past to appeal specific kinds of procedures. If any of our claims are denied, we quickly investigate and appeal to ensure that all claims are compensated for. On occasion, treatment providers will question as to why certain procedures were necessary. The medical billing specialists at 686 Data Solutions Medical Billing are able to answer such questions due to their industry expertise, allowing us to remedy all errors. You will be alerted of all of these encounters in our daily email report, allowing you to better discern where claims have been going wrong.

Daily Focus on the Insurance Aging Report

Our medical billing services include daily summaries regarding the Insurance Aging Report, which fluctuates according to how many overdue claims were appealed and how much money is being collected, among other factors. When you use our medical billing company, you are provided with this crucial information as well as facts related to current accounts receivable balances in different age ranges such as being 30 to 60 days overdue, 60 to 90 days overdue and past 90 days overdue. Should you want to exclude certain outstanding balances from our services, you can alert us via email in order to ensure that we are pursuing all of the accounts that you are actively looking to collect on.

A Work Log Detailing Accounts Receivables

The daily summary provided by our medical billing company acknowledges how many claims thirty (30) days or older have been acknowledged each and every day. Our medical billing specialists follow up on all of these overdue insurance balances on a weekly basis, allowing us to also detail information in our report regarding our contacts at various insurance companies as well. Your software will be updated every two to three weeks as well to include detailed notes from our expert medical billers to acknowledge claim status, as well as to provide any other relevant notes.

Accountability Reports Delivered Daily, Weekly and Monthly

686 Data Solutions Medical Billing is renowned for our constant communication with your office, keeping your management staff fully aware of our progress and of any issues that we may be experiencing that might potentially hinder our efficiency regarding healthcare billing collection.

686 data Solutions Medical Billing Service Summary

The features below reflect the basic benefits of our medical billing services for your practice:

• Accurate and timely posting of insurance payments and insurance contract adjustments to patient ledgers.
• Immediate appeal of all denied claims and closure of all paid claims.
• Implementation of proven narratives to properly appeal and collect on denied claims.
• Daily correction of procedures unattached to insurance claims.
• Daily processing and disbursement of primary and secondary claims.
• Preparation of electronic attachments when necessary.
• Thorough correction of missing patient information.
• Daily analysis and adjustment of the Insurance Aging Report.
• Daily, weekly and monthly reports delivered via email to update status of medical billing collection efforts.
• A mission dedicated to collecting all healthcare billing claims while eliminating all overdue balances over ninety (90) days old.


Do you Have Any Technical Questions?

686 Data Solutions Medical Billing implements electronic claims software that allows us to effectively process and evaluate all outstanding medical billing cases. If you’re unsure as to whether or not the software in your practice is compatible with our services, or if you are wondering if additional I.T. services are required, you can visit our FAQ to address and resolve all technical questions.

All Services Fully HIPAA Compliant
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Website by: Classy Websites NJ/NYC

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